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Cowan Rob

Dr. Rob Cowan is the Higgins Professor of Headache and Facial Pain Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. Currently he is Director of Research in the Division of Headache Medicine in the Department of Neurology. Prior to his appointment, he was founding Chief of the Division (2012-2023) and prior to that, founding Chief of the Division of Headache Medicine at University of Southern California, Keck Schol of Medicine and Chief Scientist at Huntington Medical Research Insititutes. He is past President of the Headache Cooperative of the Pacific, and hias held multiple leadership positions in the AHS and HIS. He has over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and sits on several Boards of Directors and Editorial Boards. His current area of research focus on predictive models of Migraine Chronification and utilization of large language and machine learning in headache medicine



  • Country: USA
  • Affiliation: Stanford University

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